Sunday 22 February 2015

Schumann - Sonata g minor op. 22 mvt 4 (1st recording)

Yeah, I know that I should tune my piano. Technican cancelled twice already, so I've to find a new one.

 My main problem in the fourth movement of Schumann Sonata is tempo. I think the tempo of the beginning is maybe too slow, but fast enough to be acceptable. The issue is that I'm inconsisient - the rest fast parts of this piece are in slower tempo. To fix it I should practice starting these parts each after each (so playing a few first bars from the beginning, then from next fast part, etc). Also I'm slowing down and for this I'm planning to use metronome. I rarely use metronome, I prefer to just count, but it's so hard to count even to two in this tempo!

Dynamics I think is quite good, I'm very surprised that I can play these piano parts acutally in piano. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think so. I should play more with crescendos and diminuendos, maybe they help me with showing differences between both big parts of this piece (Bb major and Eb major I mean here).

Other problem is showing voices, especially in left hand. There are four spots where I should show it without doubt - these two with hoquetus chords in right hand (E major and H major) and before broken octaves. Also I should play more with harmonies, try to hear them more.

I should better understand the form of this piece. Of course I know the form of this piece, but I should hear connections between parts of it. To achieve it I'll play only melodies from each part.

I should fix my fifth finger in broken octaves, mainly in spots, where it's mixed with the third finger. I should have more energy in my thumb, to make them more melodic (and faster, more energetic). I should practice them using octave chord, to feel where to move my hand also.
Also there are some spots, where left hand doesn't play with right hand, because there are different hand rotations. I'll fix it using rhythms.

Maybe less pedal in parts with hoqetus chords in right hand (E major and H major) - it'll be a nice contrast. And maybe I should start the "Coda" without pedal?

Slow parts
Slow parts are the same and boring. To fix it I should think about things I can show differently in these parts. I'll try to show more left hand in the repeats of motive. Also the dynamics of each voice could be different. And the ritenutos, Schumann wrote them in strange spots, I don't understand them fully.

Should be fixed in Coda - I should practice more using staccato.

I should pay attention to slow parts and differences between them.