Sunday 30 November 2014

Chopin - Ballade f minor

At this weekend I decided to record my progress in Ballade f minor by Chopin, because it needs to be ready till February. I started playing it at September, so it's still fresh piece.

At this point I don't feel it ever be ready. When performing I was nervous, instead of creating music. It's very difficult to build the form of it. I think the Ballade as the whole piece is in right tempo, but I don't use rubato as much as I should.

 My critique:
  1. Memory lapses...
  2. There are some spots, when I have a problem to start in tempo - I think it's beacause of too much slow practicing.
  3. There is no form of this piece in my playing.
  4. I don't have considered climax in Db major - I didn't build it and I couldn't stop myself. I didn't count it, I think it's the cause.
  5. I started the final with wrong articulation and I was tired mentally. I have a blind spot there. It means that I didn't practice it wisely. 
  6. The final should be lighter.


What to do?
  1. Practice the piece as the whole in middle tempo.
  2. Practice in tempo spots, which I couldn't start.
  3. Consider a tempo in climax, count it.
  4. Practice slowly the final.
  5. Practice the begininng of the final with the chords before.

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